I led the 8:30 a.m. optional review of the previous night's reading.
TODAY IN AENEID BOOK 4 (642-705): That nothing may interrupt her plan, Dido sends away her late husband's old nurse Barce and kills herself with Aeneas' sword on top of the pyre.
—Summary courtesy of Clyde Pharr.
And that was that. Aeneid Book 4 notched into our students' belts right next to Caesar, Cicero, Sallust, Catullus, and all the other prose and poetry they have read.
Lunchtime optional sight reading from St. Augustine.
After lunch, students continued reading Tacitus' Annals, Augustine's Confessions, or Vergil's Eclogues in their respective elective.
Afternoon optional sight reading from Jerome's letters.
Does all of this sound too good to be true? Tell your friends. Tell your students. Just think—You could be doing this next summer!
More soon...
Note: The opinions expressed in this blog entry are those of the blogger, and do not represent the opinions of the CUNY Latin/Greek Institute, its students, faculty, or administration.
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